Saturday, 13 July 2013

On Nationalism

In the long ever expanding list of things I don't like in people, there is something I want to solidify by giving it a blog entry.

I dont know how dictionaries define it and I hate paragraphs that begin with "Dictionary defines this term term bla bla" , so I will just give you own definition. Nationalism is the pride one has or feels for being born /raised in or related to a specific geographical region which is mostly a country.

Part of the problem I have with it is hidden in my definition of the term itself. Being proud, of the country where one was born in is nothing different than being proud of being born in a certain other way. Its like saying I am proud of the fact that my bone structure is in a certain way or that my eyes are black or blue or proud of the fact that I am likely to acquire a genetically inherited disease.

and what has nationalism really given us as a people anyway. Some war raging national heroes who have won us wars and done good in combat. The sheer pointlessness of this whole concept is intriguing. I wonder who ever came up with the idea. and why stop at nations. Since we are dividing people based on where they "hail" from. Why not choose states or provinces then why not choose cities and then why not different localities between cities. I must concede here that in the course of writing the last 3 or 4 lines I am beginning to realise that we do have a sort of "pride" for our states/provinces cities and neighbourhoods as well. I wonder where it comes from and why

National pride and patriotism has no place in the world. We are all one people and its high time we start acting like one.

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