Saturday, 22 June 2013

On a Saturday Afternoon

"Sherry my boy! The only thing worse than people who drink on weekdays" My friend R tells me with a beer bottle in his hand on a Saturday afternoon" are people who do not drink on weekends" and sips the beer.
I nod. The nod that means that partly I agree and the other part I don't care.
"Well some people just don't drink for religious reasons while others drink religiously for secular reasons. and I happen to disagree to both" He continues with his monologue
"hmm". I concur

R is a half Hungarian half Polish German friend of mine. He has lived in Berlin all his life. and though he does not remember the time before the wall came down. He is happy it did. He says its important for a country to have many public holidays, even if you have to break down concrete walls for it. We walk on towards the center of Berlin. Enroute I hear things that I do not understand but see gestures that I do.

"You really should start drinking sherry. If only out of respect for peer pressure. Let go of the shakles of tradition, break free from the clutches of culture, free yourself................" But I cut his never ending sentence short

"Don't you ever think of anything other than that?. I am sure there must be other pressing issues in your life which I agree is devoid of any hope and comfort?"

"There isnt. That's why I am stuck here studying on a Saturday afternoon with YOU. Lets go, the study group is there waiting for us. We got a lot of work to do tonight"

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