So I decide that I want curtains for my room. and off I go to find them. There is a shopping centre nearby so that happens to be my first choice. But when I reach there, an interesting thing happens. A bus stops just besides where I am standing(nothing personal its just a bus stop). Its interesting because no that I have to take the bus, but the bus(which is going to Lichtenberg) looks at me with those eyes that I just cant resist in buses. What can I do she has me with that look. I hop on the bus with one and only one thing in my mind " well! lets check out where it goes".
It takes me to places I have never been before. To bus stops I never thought I would stop at in my life. I reach Lichtengberg in sometime. I make it a point to not look at my watch on such excursions. I think its an immense waste of "time", a pointless distraction and quite frankly I dont really have a watch.
Once I am there. I know I think about the curtains I had to buy. and what better place to buy curtains than Alexanderplatz, and well I am already at Lichtenberg. All I need is just to take my trusted old S7 "Line". With this thought "in mind" I hop on.
In another few minutes(time being of no importance to me once again) I find myself standing in front of the TV tower(pictured above) at Alexanderplatz. Thanks to my photography I seem to have completely missed it.
But there are people there. and I am happy to see that. The sun has no plan to set any time soon So I think to myself "well sherry boy. You have got time. Lets shop for curtains". BUT while I am thinking that, a thought strikes me( and I say "ouch"). This bus I have heard of (line 100) starts from here and legend has it, that it takes the commuter to all the good places in Berlin. Well. Allah de aur banda le(God gives and the man takes happily) I, with no regard to worldly things, find the bus and am inside.
Truth be told its a good line for new comers to Berlin and sadly I do not consider myself as one any more. All the things it shows I have seen already. But its still good. I recommend it. I see places here and there. The bus stops an innumerably inhumane number of times. But well I got to stick to my decision. Finally it takes the bus to say" Bitte Aufsteigen! please leave the bus here" to get me to get out of it. and I gracefully do....
I have come a long way from home I find out and it starts giving me the chills. I immediately arm myself with a map of the lines and aha. I am close to Charlotenburg palace( palace made by a king for his wifey or girlfriend or something like that). "Lets just go back" A voice tells me from within. "oh what the heck! you are close lets get it done with" I tell the voice. After the dialogue with myself I decide to go. on my way I see this.

I would like to inform here that I do give photography lessons for those of you who are photographically inclined. I see this antique car. Beautiful and graceful. A car that has its steering wheel on the right, living in a swarm of cars with steering wheels on the left. "How lonely must it be feeling" the voice tells me. and finally I come across this
The CharlettonBerg Palace
And Then I try to take a better picture.
And then this man comes along
and finally when I have seen this "sight". which must look better in the morning "light". I plan my return trip. I find a bus which will take me the longest to get back and I take it. I see a major train station and plan to try my luck because "I am feeling lucky"
and lucky I definitely get. because I am just in time for a faster than light train(with speeds reaching upto warp 8) and take it. I have not taken it before and thats the reason I do..Here is a picture.
The train has a stewardess who comes out every time the door opens for commuters to step in. I think this is extremely sweet of her. With this my adventure ends. The window still needs a curtain. and here I am writing about it. I would curse myself tomorrow in the morning when I wake up early because of the light entering the window. But its okay.
lol meanwhile i recommend that u tape just any sheet or paper over the window! :-P