There are many reasons as to why I like this picture. Top amongst them is the fact the people featured in the picture have made no superficial effort to give out the impression that they are close friends. However, if you look at the picture for 5 seconds you sense that the air between them is those of old friends, who have known each other so well and for so long that even silence between them is comforting. I also like how these two people have made no attempt to pose for the camera whereas both appear to be fully conscious that they are being snapped (assuming of course that the person on the left just stands with his legs crossed). Since we can see the blue sky as well, the impression is that of a relaxed sunny day by the river. This just adds to the overall ambience of peace and quiet where words are a mere stain on silence.
For both these people personally, the logo on top of the building on the right will always remain important, for it is/was their Alma Mater in Berlin. And because of the sadness that comes with getting only one life to live, this name is going to stay with them for the rest of their lives.
There is also a river on one side, which to me always represents the flow, from one point in life, to another. It symbolizes the unending and quite unnerving constant metamorphosis that our lives are regularly undergoing. The river stretches as far as our eyes can see. Which is just perfect.
The only thing lacking however is that it is coloured, for I have noticed that for a picture to be considered of artistic value, it needs to be black and white. Sadly, this picture isn't.