Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The Earthquake; 2015 Edition

Two days ago, South Asia was hit by a severe earthquake that is being deemed the strongest one in the history of Pakistan. The wiki article is already calling it the "Afghanistan Earthquake 2015" for reasons unknown to scientists. Following is what transpired to me as the quake hit Pakistan.

I was on the main boulevard in Defense casually talking to two other passengers when we suddenly realized that there were lots of people outside this particular bank. Upon further introspection, we realized everyone had gotten out of the buildings. We kind of figured it was an earthquake. Either that or there was a meteor approaching us from space and people wanted to get a sneak peek at that. Anyway, thats my version of what happened to me during the earthquake. Needless to say this is as boring as watching Golf on TV. okay I concede not that boring.

So ever since then everyone I meet and everywhere I go, people have been sharing their experience of the earthquake. Things like "I saw the buildings shudder" and " Man! I really starting to pray to God" and what not are to be heard often. I know its not a popular "betrachtungweise"(point of view) but I really feel bad that I have no cool story about the earthquake to share. Now or ever. I mean imagine the year is 2035 and there is like a minor quake something like a 0.7 of the Richter scale and now everyone is talking about the 2005 quake and the 2015 Quake. Imagine my shame when I tell them " hey. I was driving so I didnt feel it."  I also realize that now that I have written this I know for sure I am prone to the spell of the evil eye(that's my translation for "nazar lag jana"). For if anything happens to me in the future, people are going to be like" see! he was making jokes on his blog about the earthquake. Look what happened". This is so going to make the dead me so mad.

Or I could just make a cool story about the whole thing. I mean something like so the earth went asunder and a monster the size of Goalath shouted obscenities in Punjabi at me for no particular reason but wait thats too much. How about something like "hey  I was having a fancy lunch at the fancies place in town (check out the in built check-in within the story) and the manager came and said "oh dear Sir! allow me to escort you outside the building and here are two more fancy drinks for the way"

No. I was driving, and I didnt feel it. Damm


  1. Abay aitem. If there's anything to talk about people jump for the chance. Life is boring earthquake give it a jolt

  2. Abay aitem. If there's anything to talk about people jump for the chance. Life is boring earthquake give it a jolt
