One hundred years before Adam and Eve walked the planet; there
was a time and place on earth when women ruled the world and men only made club
sandwiches for them. This was a pink era in the history of our earth. The
following is a story that transpired then.
There was a man who was very much in love with a woman. And
the woman was very much in love with this man. This woman was beautiful, her
use of words crisp, her ways subtle, she was the perfect predecessor to the 21st
century teenage girl. There was however one subtle difference between their
loves in it that the man loved several other women as well, but the woman loved
only this one man. This prehistoric man was a smart guy, in fact for the
purpose of convenience, lets just say he was a rocket engineer. Legend has it
he also understood with considerable ease the complex nature of the space time
continuum and was soon beginning work on quantum fluctuations. But even this
man could not understand one thing. This thing being as to why this particular
woman loved only him. Try all he could, and by god try he did, he could not
understand as to why this was the case.
Ten years less than hundred years ago before Adam and Eve
walked the planet; the women had a strange idea. They suggested to the men that
maybe we could have a monogamous relationship all our lives, and proceeded on
to claim that she thought that it would be pretty darn cool. The man did not
know the meaning of the word monogamy but did not like the sound of it. Since
the Womandom was named as it was, the only thing the men could do was to add
more spice into the sandwiches, and our elders tell us that that is exactly
what they did. So it came to pass that a new institution was established which
sought to restrict people’s right to love as many people as they desired and
hence in this way, bars were put into place on how much people could love and
whom. This was of course the precursor of other more severe things to come.
Later, the first man and woman walked the planet and called themselves Adam and Eve. And
the first thing Adam did was that he made the world a patriarchy so that crazy
things like these will not happen again. and children! Now we know why since
that time, we have had patriarchal societies in most parts of the world.
The rest is just future.