Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Big things come in small packages

So it would turn out my trusted old (not so old actually) laptop wouldn’t charge. I try to connect the charger but the battery doesn’t charge.  It takes me herculean strength and Aristotelian acumen to find that sweet spot at which the pin of the charger would just fit into the power socket of the laptop and the laptop would charge.

But I know something is amiss, because it continues to take longer and longer to find that sweet spot and to add salt and misery to my wounds and suffering respectively, I sometimes have to hold the pin into the power inlet of the charger for an indefinite period of time. I know I can’t continue living like this. I have to drastically change the course that my life is taking. But not yet, it’s way too soon. Only when it’s already been two days that I can’t charge my laptop will I have the motivation to actually do something about it. But fate had something altogether different in mind for me. For what transpired was this.

After much deliberation was I finally lucky enough to find that sweet spot only for my laptop to tell me that “the charger that you are using is not built for this machine, please consider changing it”. Even though that’s the exact same charger I have been using for several years, when the lappy tells you something, you better listen to it.

So now when I connect the charger to my laptop it says “plugged, but not charging”. This means I have to continuously have my laptop on charge, the strength to do which only gods can muster. So a mere mortal like me does what mere mortals like me do best these days. We Google things.
And then I googled, and it told me that several other people are experiencing the exact same problem. Many had opined that the “plugged but not charging” sign is a diabolical greeting from the devil himself and a friendly reminder of the epic battle between good and evil.  These were clearly some very smart people. I look for more solutions and try my luck with another website. To my utter surprise and wonder, I find the “top answer” and I reproduce it here without the written consent of the original author.

“take out the charger pin bring it close to your mouth and blow into it multiple times, and then do the same to the point on the laptop where the laptop fits”.

For obvious reasons I thought I was being made a fool of. And surely as complex a problem could not be solved with that easy a solution. But it is with pleasure that I tell you that I was wrong. I blew into the charger and there it lay, fixed. And with tender love in my heart, I thanked the person who had written the post and wished him/her long life.

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