Friday, 26 April 2013

and I fall prey to it again:(

"Do not have prejudices, Do not judge, get details before forming an opinion about an issue" is what I find telling myself often and yet I cant help but fall prey to these evils on some unconscious level.
Case in point is several point of views I got from people and the internet about the the division of Berlin and the erection of the wall and Germany's eventual reunification in 1989.

A quick google search and you know how dismal and disdainful the plight of the east Germans were and how  "all" of them wanted to go the west and all that.
"BUT thats not enough to have a point of view on something" sherry tells himself.
Because I had never met an east German/Berliner before. and now that I have I can safely say that its just another one of those times where one keeps hearing one point of view and starts to think its right. ahh whats the word for it? oh yes propaganda. Its everywhere. We all do it . We do it even without knowing we are doing it. 

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