Friday, 13 December 2013

A conversation with myself

Cosmos( to itself) : Ah! It seem like we are ready. Besides I want to talk to someone. I am bored of talking to myself all the time. Oh Yes.

no answer.

no answer

utter silence

Cosmos. Lights please (and the cosmic dark ages are over and the first stars shine). Ah! Much better. I like it when things are bright. "cough cough". oh my. there is wayyyyyyyyyy too much hydrogen. Give us some variety oh stars!

The really massive stars shine bright and luminous, running out of fuel soon and explode in colosal supernovae explosions creating heavier elements and spreading them out into the cosmos.

Cosmos: hmm. New elements. Interesting. But do they just float around in space or they actually do something? Show me some sizzleeeeeee....I like recyling. Recycle yourselfs stars.

The stars form second generation of stars and then the third generation of stars.

Cosmos: Okay Cool! I like this Supercluster. What is it called? oh yeah the Virgo Supercluster. and whats that group of galaxies over there called? Ah yes the local group. Okay cool. Whats that barred spiral over there? The Milky way? Cheesy name but will stick to that. Ah Spiral arms. Is there a sun nearby? What? Several billion? Well lets just take one.  and well lets call it the Sun. anything special about it? The only thing special is that its an average sized average looking star with average luminoisity and surgace temperate. okay. great. what are these tiny specks around it? ah what the heck. the "pale blue" dot looks cool. okay lets visit it. whats going on in here?yuckkkkkkkkkk! a puddle of mud? I hate mud. dammm.

""Thunder and lighting"""

Cosmos: Much better. dammn its gonna take a while. But oh well.

4.5 Billion earth revolutions around the sun later

Human: ooobbooboooboo gagagagag lalalalalall hu ha hy ha.

Cosmos: yeahhhhhhh! (rolls eyes)

Further down in time. I mean waaay further down.

Aristotel: hmm. you know what guys? I am a great philosopher and I cant be wrong. also the earth is flat. and centre of the UNIVERSE.

Cosmos: pesky insects.

Humanity: earth? flat? makes sense great. centre of everything? okay floats our boat. cool.

Galilio: You know what? I would like some moons named after me. Earths moons taken. I call dibs on Jupiters. oh shit

Humanity: What?

Galileo. Jupiters moons revolve around Jupiter. So atleast there is someting that doesnt revolve around the earth.

Church: You crazy nigga? that is so not cool. FINISH HIM!

Galileo ::: NOOOOOOOo actually. I think I need glasses. sorry my bad

Church: Shut this guy up please......

Beginning of the 20th century

Hubble: Aha. Lets have a look at this fuzzy patch of light in Andromeda. I wonder if its a nebula, maybe its just dust. oh . aha. So its a galaxy larger than the milky way itself. pretty smooth. and there are billions of galaxies

Einstein: You know what? Space and time are actually one thing. and on the highway of the universe, the speed limit is c. and gravity is the dent of that spacetime.

the world: crazy old guy.

several successful experiments later

World: Gulp Gulp

and years and years of gazing into the skies wondering where did all this come from. Where did we come from.

Stuff made from the cosmos: I wanna know more about me. More and more, and boy there is so much more to know.

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