Sunday, 24 April 2016


If you study astronomy, then you are so amazed and appalled by the complexity of the universe that nothing else excites you like that anymore. Well nothing but life. With all its colours, shades, varieties, types and forms contained on earth alone, life remains one of the two most fascinating things ever.

The only thing that does justice to the beauty of life is quite paradoxically, death. I couldn’t have imagined a better end to life than the fact that one day, all of it must end. There is so much poetic beauty in it but only if you care enough to look. What a great end death is. Poems should be written about it and songs should be sung. Songs that highlight all human endeavors and struggles coupled with all the different sorts of feelings humans come factory assembled with. Top amongst them would be ambition, the will to achieve something or the oft heard of and never really scientifically ascertained feeling of love that allegedly fills the cosmos with its beauty. How about jealousy? The “I wish I had more of this thing I see my friend has”. Then there should tales of great kings that thought they were gods or of mighty empires that dreamed of ruling the world. Then there should be music. After all we connect so deeply with it. All the best melodies should be compiled all great records re-mastered and remade. All these things fade into oblivion when compared with the ultimate champion of all cool things, death. For only death and decay is real, everything else is a facade.  

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