Saturday, 9 November 2013

Dedicated to Carl Sagan

9th November. Carl Sagans Day. 

The Cosmos Song ( inspired by and dedicated to the late Carl Sagan )

In the song of the stars there is a lesson
A lesson we are one day sure to learn

The cosmos is calling us, inviting us
to an unimaginable trip
It wants to remind us of our origins,
Our imaginations will it grip

We can either, dance to the song, learn the secrets untold 
The grand sculptures at unparalleled levels behold 
Or we can squander our lives in meaningless pursuits
Lost in greed, gluttony and desires hold

In the song of the stars there is a lesson
A lesson we are one day sure to learn

The music of the cosmos, everywhere the same, yet always in veil
The same note played in the same key, the same scale
The 4 forces interact in always the same way
Be it GRBs, the rings of Saturn or Betelgeuse, hundreds of lights years away

Compared to the intrigue of the universe
Science fictions seems dwarfed and old school
A realm where time dilation, gravity waves
Black holes and supernovae rule.

In the song of the stars there is a lesson
A lesson we are one day sure to learn

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