Wednesday 29 May 2013

Blogging Activity

Knowledge may be power for some but ignorance is bliss for everyone. 

Its about this blog that I stared writing. This very blog that you are reading. Whose name I keep on changing for some reason. When I first decided I needed to start something up like this. I had one and only one thing in mind. A grilled chicken sandwich. no really I just wanted to chronicle my thoughts and opinions to that later on I will remember them and I will have good literature to readx. thats it. I didnt care if people read it or not. I wasn't interested in advertising it. and I most definitely didn't Google how to make a blog more popular. 

HOWEVER(upper case however to be inserted between paragraphs instead of sentences)

Recently I have noted I have succumbed to the desire of having more viewer-ship. Which does not go well with me at all. Firstly because, before the first entry I didn't know I could be worried about such a thing as viewer-ship on the blog because of a very simple reason that I didn't have one. 

So essentially what I did was to create an individualistic custom based virtual Frankenstein for myself whom I have to feed now. 

Therefore I have told myself that I will kill this Frankenstein before it raises its "pretty decent looking" head again meaning thereby If you are reading this because I "asked" you implicitly explicitly electronically or  in any other way. You should not read it any more. The point of this blog is to chronicle thoughts for myself. thats it. Its not a commercial venture. Well atleast not for now


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