Tuesday 21 May 2013

Reviews by the Critics

So its about a certain TV series that I have been watching( which I will not mention(unless they start paying me for it(which they wont because they don’t know I exist(lets face it they wouldn’t even if they knew it( think I closed  all the parenthesis that I opened or else Excel will pop out a syntax error))))) ANYWAY.

So in it and like in most other TV series there are two sisters. One is shown to be pretty and the other is “shown” to be not pretty(and yes she has those nerdy glasses so essential to look not pretty these days). The story progresses and often the pretty one( who is also very social) tries to “help” the not pretty one with social interactions the “not pretty” one is about to have.

Now do I need to watch the TV series if I know that sooner or later the NP one is going to realize that she is indeed P and that bla bla and bla. ? and then her self esteem gets a boost and then she will start dating and all? And then blab bla and bla?

Did I wake up today in the right century? Because I remember being told that the Neanderthals read this story to their kids when they wouldn’t sleep at nights. (don’t ask me who told me).

But I guess I know why it is the way it is. Its easier to look good than it is to become smart. So lets sensationalise that. seems easy enough but the problem with looks is that well by definition its superficial. But that doesn’t matter. Humanity might not be as evolved as we think it is. 

And Now I must leave because the new episode is ready to be streamed.

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