Monday 24 June 2013

Albert Einstein; Things he said & did

Einstein made little distinction between astrophysics, philosophy, relationship advice or other disciplines and was prolific in his advice to young lovers. His quotations are cited by virtually everyone on facebook. The guy who works at the local grocery store, to the guy who is always madly in love and to the guy who well, strangely enough, is training to become a physicist. These are some of the things that can be seen associated to Einstein and I particularly difficult to grasp that its by him.

"Dont make someone your priority who makes you only an option"-Albert Einstein
 This one is my favourite. I never thought he was such a romantic. Its quite touching. 

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"- Albert Einstein
Same guy who had a big role to play in the creation of the atomic bomb. He did make a few lives well ahh worth while/less

"The school kid who is asked by the teacher to explain god but cant but then finally does manage to do that grows up be who?" well- Einstein
This is a classic, being quite religiously disinclined myself , I have heard this claim so many times. This story is hard evidence for the existence of God now.

Try not to become a man of success, rather a man of value- Einstein
He may have said it I dont know, but this doesn't seem like the words of someone who simultaneously develops and propagates successfully the idea that space and time are essentially intertwined and that gravity is a dent in that web of spacetime. 

and finally this

If Einstein was alive, I would ask him what he meant by that? On the picture on the left, a bunch of young people are busy with their cell phones while they sit near each other( the implication is that they should be interacting, talking, playing instead). Why would I ask him that? well because from what I hear about him, Einstein wasn't the coolest kids on the block. its not like he was always chilling hanging out and having fun and socialising with every(if I can be excused the phrase) Tom Dick and Harry.

I think if Einstein had a cell phone with high speed internet , he would be pretty pleased with that. and would probably be seen using it all the time to watch YouTube videos of Hawking(excuse the chronological inappropriateness).

and lastly there is this E=MC^2 equation which is almost synonymous with his name. You ask people do you know about Einstein? and the answer is always a very self confident "yeah sure. E=Mc^2 dude. I know that shit"

----Sudden Drop Dead Ending to Blog---

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