Monday 10 June 2013

What we are exposed to is what we end up becoming

There are only a very specific type of people who will understand the following joke

" zara zuruck bleiben hojao"

I think that every person that I have ever met in my life has affected me in some way or the other. I have learnt things from people who weren't teaching me anything . I picked their words their language, their emotions, how they betray their emotions, how they react to words to situations and others reactions. I picked everything. Then I got a lot from watching television, movies, following social media, and from places I visited or sights I saw.

Point is that I am in essence the "result" and the "output" of whatever was put into me by all these different means that I have mentioned. I dont know what part of me is actually me or whether there is any part of me that is me. and this brings me to the following thought

If what I have said above is true, and I most certainly think it is, then wouldn't it be nice to expose young people(children adolescents young adults) to only the right sort of information and people ? Couldn't we cherry-pick and actually choose very wisely and acutely what they see hear touch and consequently feel and react ? Would that be wise? would that be ethical?

And then I think don't we already do it? We want our children to go the best schools, read the best books, and we censor their viewer ship of certain types of electronic entertainment and encourage certain others? If we do it , is THAT ethical to do ?

I will end it by just stating that I wish I had never met those people,watched those TV sitcoms, been to those places ,or read those books that taught me, to be afraid of change, to feel envious, to fear and let my decisions be affected by it. I wish I had never but I have. and I have to live with that.

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